Поиск значения / толкования слов

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Скевра — средневековый армянский монастырь, расположенный в юго-восточной области Малой Азии, историческом регионе Киликия (ныне ил Мерсин , Турция) близ крепости Ламброн S.Der Nersessian // Armenian Painting // Armenia and the Byzantine Empire (Cambridge, MA., 1945), pp. 110—136.

Most of these works were produced in the monastery of Skevra, near the fortress of Lambron; at Mlidj, by the fortress of Paperon; at Grner and Akner which flourished during the rule of the bishop John; at Hromkla, the seat of the catholicos, particularly active as an art center in the second half of the thirteenth century; at the monastery of Drazark, not far from the capital Sis; and at Sis itself. It is particularly fortunate that so many Cilician manuscripts have been preserved, for they are almost the only surviving witnesses of the artistic life of this region.1